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November 2019 Meeting: Diálogos Duo | NYCCGS

November 2019 Meeting: Diálogos Duo

Thursday, November 7, 2019, at 7:00 PM

Manhattan Theatre Club Creative Center, 311 West 43rd Street, 8th floor

A Dozen Choro Tributes: Contemporary Insights into Choro’s Evolution

The Duo (Louis Arques, clarinet, and Richard Boukas, guitar/composer) will demonstrate and discuss key melodic, harmonic and rhythmic traits of Choro and its stylistic evolution using Boukas’s tributes to legendary composer-musicians spanning more than a century. Choro guitar accompaniment for duo playing will be explored for choro and its key sub-genres: maxixe, samba-choro, choro-canção, valsa and schottische. Effective use of alternate tunings in accompaniment will also be demonstrated.

The presentation will be followed by our Open Mic. Sign up in advance to play — see the Member Events page for details. NYCCGS Member Events are free and open to all members and first-time guests.