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Bowers Fader Duo | NYCCGS

Bowers Fader Duo

Online concert

Friday, May 14, 2021, at 7:30 PM

Mezzo-soprano Jessica Bowers and guitarist Oren Fader, contributing richly to the art of song through their mix of innovative transcriptions and works commissioned from groundbreaking American composers

“Her diction and communicative skills were a master class in song interpretation while his accompaniment was sensitive and playful.” — Ladd Boris, SoundWordSight

Note: the concert is available for viewing at this link.

To attend this online concert, register by clicking the “Reserve” button below. We suggest a contribution of $20 to support the artist. Prior to the concert, you will receive an email with the link to the online concert.

Photo by Matt Dine



WILLIAM ANDERSONSelections from J’entends le moulin
MOZART Das Veilchen
JEREMY GILL Diario dun Camiño
PAUL SALERNI Selections from Something Permanent
DAMON FERRANTE Selections from Divinità Minori
BRAHMS Sonntag and Vergebliches Ständchen
BACH Prelude (BWV 999) and Fugue (BWV 1000)
WEILL Stranger Here Myself from One Touch of Venus

Created in 2009, The Bowers-Fader Voice and Guitar Duo is Jessica Bowers, mezzo-soprano, and Oren Fader, guitar, whose mission is to promote New American Art Songs for mezzo and guitar, through commissions, performances, and recordings. 

In October 2017 The Duo presented the Second Annual New American Art Songs for Mezzo and Guitar Concert at the Tenri Cultural Institute in New York. The performance featured nine world premieres written or arranged for The Duo. The Third Annual New American Arts Songs concert will be in the Fall 2018, and will feature newly commissioned works for The Duo.

The Bowers Fader Duo performs in New York City and across the US. Recent concerts have taken them to Washington State, Virginia, Vermont (Manchester Music Festival and Taconic Music Festivals), Pennsylvania (Classical Guitar Society of Northeastern Pennsylvania and Lehigh University), Make Music NY, Spectrum NYC, Tenri Cultural Institute, and Scholes Street Studio. They have been the featured performers on the NYC presenters Soft Series and Composers Concordance. premiering new works written for them.

The Duo’s repertoire includes classical works by Mozart, De Falla, Brahms, Schubert, and Weill, as well as contemporary works written for them. To date, more than 15 pieces have been written for them, including works by Frank Brickle, Judith Sainte Croix, Melissa Grey, David Claman, Ana Milosavljevic, Tim Mukherjee, Erin Rogers, Martin Rokeach, Paul Salerni, Scott Wheeler, and Randy Woolf.

Recordings include two song cycles by Paul Salerni, produced and recorded by Grammy winner, Adam Abeshouse, and three songs by David Claman (Prof. at Lehman College). Both the Salerni and Claman pieces were written for The Duo.

On September 30 and October 1 of this year,  The Bowers Fader Duo were in residence at Lehigh University for the new music festival, “From Boston to Bethlehem, and Beyond,” performing works written for them, playing other chamber works, and working with student composers.

Outreach activities for the Duo include free concerts each year for the Lighthouse Guild for the Blind, and Beginnings, a social program for seniors supported by Renewal Care.